Retaining new users through effective onboarding practices


2 product designers, 1 product manager, 1 animator, 2 illustrators


New user retention increased through a series of optimization experiments we ran over the course of 1 year

Monthly quests

Giving users a glimpse of the upcoming monthly quest encourages them to come back to the app each day before the quest unlocks.


Users are competitive by nature. By showing them what the leaderboard is and what's required to unlock the leaderboard, we found that we had more lesson completion within the first 7 days.

Increasing widget installations

Having a home widget serves as a reminder for users to complete their daily lesson. Prompting users to install it within the first few days of downloading the app increases user retention.

Delightful onboarding flow

Duo is such a popular figure. When we added Duo to the new user onboarding flow to act as a guide, users found it to be a more delightful experience.

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